How To Hide And Password Protect Your Private Files And Window

There are times when you are working with many windows open and if you are not careful when closing down the windows you might accidentally keep the window with your private information open which can be accessed by other people.

Mostly at your work place where apart from working you are also working on your private affairs and at time you need to show particular things to your boss or co-worker for their help then it is useful to hide your private work and continue with your work.

pasword protect

So we have prepared a guide that will allow you to protect your private windows with the help of some free tools.

How To Hide And Password Protect Your Private Files And Window With WinLock


  1. It is a light weight free tool that password protects your open windows and minimizes them to your task bar.
  2. Once you launch WinLock it will ask you to enter a main password and minimize it to taskbar
  3. Now to lock a specific window first bring it to focus and then press Ctrl + spacebar. This will lock the window and minimize it to the tray.
  4. To access the locked window double click on the minimized window in your system tray and enter the password and press ok to unlock the window.


How To Hide And Password Protect Your Private Files And Window With Window Hider

window hider

  1. After you have downloaded the window hider just run it by double clicking the .exe file and it is minimized to taskbar.
  2. Right click on the icon in your taskbar and access the work menu and select hide
  3. This option will allow you to see what windows are open and then select the window you want to hide it will ask for the password
  4. Enter the password and then click on hide
  5. To show the window you password protected right click on the icon and then select my work and it will show the list of windows that you have hidden. Click on the window you want to see and then enter the password to unlock it.
  6. To exit window hider just right click the icon and select exit.


There you have a simple guide that will allow you to hide and protect your private windows from prying eyes and even when you leave your station for some important work.

Do let us know if you know of any other way with which you can hide and protect your private window.



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