How To Remove JPG Artifacts And Distortions Using Photoshop

There are times when you have taken a great image and an artifact or distortion has ruined the image. Thankfully such problems on the JPG can be easily repaired using Photoshop but sometimes the image itself is distorted in such cases you need expert handling of Photoshop to correct the image distortion.

So we have prepared a guide that will allow you to correct the image distortion using the Photoshop friendly GIMP which is easy to use and in a few steps we will teach you how to fix the distortions and remove artifacts to restore the original image.

jpg artifacts

How to Fix JPG Artifacts And Distortion

  1. JPG is a good format for saving image files but it compresses the data too much thus causing some artifacts to popup and ruining the quality of the image. Open your desired JPG and zoom in the part where you see the artifact or distortion.
  2. Select the part of the image with artifact and create a duplicate copy of the image on which you will do the modification. So right click the background and select duplicate layer.
  3. Now over the duplicated layer navigate to filter > blur > smart blur
  4. If this doesn’t fix the distortion then you can always set your radius and threshold to higher settings.
  5. Sometimes after using blur there is a level of distortion remains which you can easily fix by creating a layer mask on the smart blur by Alt + Clicking on the dot button in layer panel. This will mask the top most layer of the JPS revealing the areas with problem.
  6. Get the brush tool and set it to soft hardness of 0% and fill your foreground color with white. Use a larger brush if you are working with a large image.
  7. Paint the areas white which you want to be smooth and less fuzzy due to artifacts.
  8. You can also change your brush opacity to retain some critical details.
  9. With selective brushing you will begin to notice that the image quality is improving despite the low pixel count and various other artifacts in the picture.


There you have an easy guide that will allow you to remove distortion and artifacts from a JPG image using smart blur and brush.

Do let us know if there any other way with which you can remove the artifacts and distortion from a JPG image.

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