How To Change Priority For Wireless Networks In Windows 8

Windows 8 has introduced many new changes to the windows platform including many performance changes and UI changes. These are the changes that are present on the surface but under the hood changes are numerous and makes sure that your windows is secure and also performing flawlessly.

Unlike previous versions of windows that wireless network manager this interface if completely missing from windows 8 so you are unable to assign a priority to wireless network. As a result windows searches through the wireless network list before connecting to the one which is closest to u.

wireless priority

You can assign priority to wireless network with the use of third party software but we have prepared a guide that will allow you to assign priority to wireless network from within windows 8 without using any third party software.

wireless priority1

How To Change Priority For Wireless Network In Windows 8

  1. To see the list of networks that you have joined and their priority open your command prompt and then type the command netsh wlan show profiles
  2. After seeing the priority of the network you need the name of the network in this example we will use the name Wi-FI and a name for the network. Now enter the following command to adjust priority netsh wlan set profileorder name=”w1r3l3$$” interface=”Wi-Fi” priority=1
  3. Replace w1r3l3$$ with Wi-Fi name and network name
  4. Now if you again check for priority you will notice that your network has gotten the first priority


There you have an easy guide that will allow you to change the wireless network priority natively from within windows 8 without using any third party software.

Let us know if you any other way with which you can change the wireless network priority in windows 8.

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