Google Nexus 7 Tablet Vs Amazon Kindle Fire

When we talk about Google’s ASUS Nexus 7 tablet, the first competitor that comes to our mind is Amaazon’s Kindle Fire. There are several reasons to it and once such is the price tag of both the tablets.

Both comes at the same price, though Amazon has recently slashed down Kindle Fire’s price to about 25 percent paving way for the launch of Kindle Fire HD at the predecessor’s price tag. Well, let us find out some more differences of the two tablets.

Nexus 7 Vs Kindle Fire: Design and resolution

Google has proved it can do much with the design part of a rectangle than what others didn’t. The 7-inch Nexus 7 looks surprisingly cool with slightly glossier layout. Amazon’s Kindle Fire on its part just looks like a flat rectangle.

The screen resolution of Google Nexus 7 is 1280×800 where as that of Kindle Fire is 1024×600. So, Nexus 7 is in better place if resolution is concerned.


Google’s Nexus 7 is equipped with quad-core Tegra 3 processor. It runs faster and delivers smoother performance than Kindle Fire. The Amazon product got just 1GHz dual-core OMAP4 processor. Here too Nexus 7 surpasses Kindle Fire.


Storage wise too Amazon’s Kindle Fire takes a back kick. It got just 6GB of on-board storage. Well, Amazon has an answer to it by offering free cloud-based storage for all its content. Don’t know whether this free gift will compensate the storage feature. The Google’s tablet got two versions based on storage. One is of 8GB and the other one is 16GB.

Batter life

The battery life of both goes almost the same. Kindle Fire got battery of 4000mAh and Google is using 4325mAh battery in its Nexus 7. For active user both can offer a battery life of about 8 hours.

Operating system

Google Nexus 7 got the latest in operating system. It runs on the just unveiled Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS where as Amazon got its own forked version of Android in the Kindle Fire. Surely Nexus 7 would be better here.

Key features

Amazon offers free storage of Amazon content whether purchased or accessed for free. With Nexus 7 you can get the access of Google Play store.

Nexus 7 got a front facing camera for video calling but Kindle Fire lacks a camera. Nexus 7 got NFC (near field communication) technology but Kindle Fire misses it. Kindle Fire also misses Bluetooth compared to one in Nexus 7.

Nexus 7 Vs Kindle Fire: Price

Nexus 7 is priced as $199 for 8GB model and $249 for 16GB model with $25 of Play store credit. The Kindle Fire is also priced $199.

Target audience

The target audience for the both the tablets are almost same. Both are targeting mid-range customers.

Did I missed out any major point? Do comment in the below given box what else is that that separates Google’s Nexus 7 from Amazon’s Kindle Fire.

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  1. tabenthusiast says:

    Does the Google Nexus, have any regional restrictions like the Kindle/Amazon link? Will there be any difference for US vs rest of the world users ?

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