How To Create Custom Bookmark Folder In Mozilla Firefox

You must be having lots of bookmarks in your Firefox that you visit most frequently. Also when you access the bookmarks in Firefox you notice that there is a most visited folder that lists your most visited bookmarks.

Now wouldn’t it be great that you were able to create a folder with which you are able to organize all your bookmarks so that it’s much easier to find the specific bookmark when you organize them in category.

Custom Bookmark Folder Mozilla Firefox

We have prepared a guide for you that will enable you to create custom bookmarks folders in Firefox that will enable you to arrange or sort out your bookmarks and make it easier for finding them.

Instructions For Creating Custom Bookmarks By Saving Searches

  1. You need to open the library window by selecting Bookmarks or history from option menu
  2. After you open your bookmarks window in Firefox now you need to perform a search by using the search box for the site that you frequently visit.
  3. Now you can save your search by clicking on the save button and it will be saved as smart bookmark folder
  4. The newly created save will be saved in your bookmarks menu by default but you can place it anywhere you like
  5. Now every time you visit that specific website your smart bookmark will be updated automatically showing you the pages that you have visited recently

This was one method with which you can create your custom smart bookmark folder in Firefox. The other method involves the use of an extension called SearchPlaces.

Instructions For Creating Custom Bookmarks Using Extension SearchPlaces

  1. You need to download and install the extension called SearchPlaces
  2. After you have restarted Firefox you will see the searchplaces option in the bookmark menu
  3. This extension provides you with a graphical user interface which will allow you to access the hidden function of firefox. The interface will show you the new smart bookmarks and also you can edit the existing ones.
  4. Searchplaces will also allow you to search for a website URL in your history with a specific keyword and also you can specify the time between which the sites were visited so that the search results are more narrowed.
  5. Once the search results are displayed you can save the search and it will be saved as a smart bookmarks.
  6. Now every time you visit the site your bookmark will be updated.

There you go two of the easy ways with which you can create custom smart bookmarks which will easily show you what site you have visited and is updated regularly.

Now you can maintain your bookmarks easily and categorize them easily without getting confused on what your bookmarking for what purpose and all.

Do let us know if you come across any other easy way that will allow you to create a custom bookmark and also take advantage of the powerful bookmark database in Firefox.

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