Apple’s iPad To Increase Market Lead As Tablet Industry Explodes

Apple is set to extend its already colossal lead in the tablet PC market share race, as the upgrades afforded to the new iPad and the attractive price reductions of the iPad 2 continue to prove irresistible, according to new reports from IDC.

An extensive program of research has led to the conclusion that the tablet PC market is to continue its unstoppable growth at an even faster pace than expected, with IDC having now increased its own total global sales estimates from 106.1 million units to a staggering 107.4 million.

Apple’s iPad to Increase Market Lead as Tablet Industry Explodes

2012 will not be the only year to see such an incredible boom either, as the same reports suggest that sales figures for next year will reach as high at 142.8 million, while the tablet PC revolution will hit unprecedented peaks in 2016 when up to 222 million devices are expected to be sold.

Growth Could Surge Further with Windows 8 Tablets

These estimates could increase even further still, if an impending glut of Microsoft Windows 8 Tablets proves to be the enormous success story various developers expect. Windows Tablets are earmarked for particular greatness in the corporate world, where Windows OS devices and systems continue to lead by an enormous margin.

However, if the figures from IDC are to prove accurate, it will be the iPad range and Apple that will take home the biggest benefit of all and reach the dizziest of new heights. Last year, the iPad accounted for just over 58% of the total global tablet PC market share, which is expected to increase to at least 62.5% by the close of 2012. Android rivals will sadly not be enjoying the same windfall, at Apple’s success looks set to drive Android tablet PC market share down to 36.5% from its previous 38.7%.

What’s more, Apple’s success is being attributed not simply to unbreakable consumer habits or the favoring of a brand name alone, but the way in which Apple has well and truly nailed it by way of new features and pricing structures. In this instance, all it has taken for Apple to hang on to its lead and stride boldly forward is the inclusion of their Retina quality display and 4G LTE connectivity – the latter being anything but Apple-exclusive.

A Monopolized Market

Unfortunately, Apple’s dominance in the tablet PC market is also likely to make it incredibly difficult for any newcomers to come along and have anything close to a useful impact. That is of course unless the Google Nexus Tablet shows up next week for under $200, which even at this stage remains a mystery.

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