‘eBay Now’ Beta Launched To Serve Same-Day Delivery Of Goods Purchased

eBay follows Amazon’s footstep. In 2009 retail giant Amazon started with same-day shipping service of goods purchased from local retailers, and now, today, eBay announced the same.

eBay mailed today invitations to its existing users in San Francisco announcing the launching of eBay Now in beta phase. The mail says users can enjoy same-day delivery of goods purchased from local retailers.

Presently the service is limited to San Francisco, but the auction giant will add up more cities in near future.

Amazon currently serves same-day shipping to New York, Las Vegas, Seattle, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Washington and some more surrounding areas. Amazon Prime members pay annual fee of $79 to receive unlimited two-day shipping and for the one-day shipping $5.99 is added extra per item.

eBay spokesperson said the beta phase of eBay Now would be used in gauging users interest as well as to evaluate future of this new service.

During the beta phase eBay is taking off $15 for first three deliveries and thereafter per item users will be charged $5.

The eBay Now can be downloaded on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

Do share your views how far can eBay Now will get success and how many cities it can add in a year or two.

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