Getresponse – Let An Expert Handle Your Business Mailing

In the light of advancement of online based businesses in current days, the necessity for an effective business mailing handler is increasing every day, in fact every moment. Certainly, businesses receive email in a much larger scale than individual level, and sending out a lot about the current ongoing promotions, discounts and next upcoming offers is a stressful job the marketing department needs to take.

Now what if a full-fledged marketing departments doesn’t even exist? Many startup companies have just launched their service within a very short time span, and haven’t managed to earn so much to afford a full-fledged online marketing department. Many basement companies don’t even get to afford a full-fledged server in their initial days, let alone some people who would constantly send out emails full of offers and exciting promotions. GetResponse in an email marketing service that fits just right in place! For a very reasonable price, the small and home offices get to avail a fully managed email marketing service.


Basic Features of GetResponse

The feature sheet might almost look like every other company in the same service out there, but deep down GetResponse does everything really good and in comparison to that, their prices are lower.

  • Autoresponders:How many times had it happened, that one of your subscriber has asked you about a current ongoing promotion and you never really got the email because something else took place where you had to put all your time & efforts in. We all go through that struggle especially for companies with small teams, however Autoresponders from GetResponse can take over a webmaster’s hassles by intelligently sending out emails in the most appropriate time, and even generate a customized reply based on what’s on the subscriber’s email for the most accurate response.

getresponse auto responder

  • Intuitive Landing Pages:Newbies might not know how to create stellar landing pages within minutes, that’s not a crime but to run a successful business, it’s a core requirement. GetResponse allows their subscribers to create intuitive and catchy landing pages for each and every ongoing promotion using drag & drop methods, and it requires no coding at all.
  • Promotional Emails by Just Drag & Drop:Promotions and newsletters need to be different than regular emails, but creating one takes expert professionals – not if you are a GetResponse subscriber. Users can either use HTML codes for the deepest level of modification, or simply drag & drop contents, boxes, images, sliders, basic blocks, and snippets etc. within a window to create the most sophisticated looking online handbill.
  • Responsive Layout:In the current world, there’s no guarantee what device is your recipient’s for surfing online or casually going through their emails. Chances are, it would be a smartphone, but perhaps a laptop hasn’t lost all appeal for them. There’s so many options for web browsing these days, and the contents need to rescale themselves on their own on a device display for the best fit. GetResponse creates every business email in a built-in responsive coding scheme, so that the output fits every display without an issue and there’s no need to manually code everything.

responsive getresponse

  • Templates make everything Easier:If creating promotional emails from the scratch isn’t your thing, just pick a newsletter template from a collection of more than 500 similar templates. All of them are individually appealing, different and very easy to modify.


The best part about GetResponse service, a user can sign up without any monthly contract and just try the service for a whole month. No obligations are implied, no difficult conditions are required to be met and anytime cancellation is a standard feature.

The initial plan is called Email for $15/month and maximum list size for this plan is 1,000 people. Pro is the most popular plan according to GetResponse, it costs $49/month and user gets a list size of 5,000 along with professional landing pages and webinar 100 attendees for webinars. Max is suited for businesses that are growing up at a larger scale and it costs $165/month. 10,000 list size, 500 attendees for webinars and salesforce integration are the standard features on this plan. Enterprise is the highest tier option with everything dedicated, more than 100 thousand list size, unlimited webinar attendees and this plan costs $799/month.


GetResponse makes life easier for startups running on limited resources, even for enterprises that prefer to outsource their email marketing. Every package might have their own pros and cons, but that too can happen if a real person handles your emails right?

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