Mountain Lion Downloaded 3M Times In First Four Days

Mountain Lion has turned to be Apple’s most successful release. The latest version of OS X was launched this week and in just first four days it has seen three million downloads. Ah! That’s really great, and it makes the most successful OS X release in the history of Apple.

Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing Philip Schiller shared this first milestone news of the iDevice giant.

The Mountain Lion OS X was first revealed this year in the month of February. In June at the annual WWDC conference Apple offered a “near final” release version of it for developers.

The new version operating system is equipped with over 200 new features such as Messages app, system-wide sharing, Notification Center etc.

The system-wide sharing will allow sharing photos, videos and other files at a click of a button to third party services without even switching apps. The updated version also include Power Nap that keeps computer up to date with auto refresh of mails, calendar, contacts, reminders and documents in the cloud while sleeping.

Mountain Lion is priced $20 and was released on July 25.

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