How To Covert Text From PDF Into Word Document For Editing

There are many documents on the internet but majority of them are published in the PDF format as it allows one universal PDF reader to access and open the file. But sadly those files cannot be edited unless you buy the premium version of the readers.

The texts document on internet are not present in the Microsoft Word format because some people might be using the older version of the Office which are incompatible with the files saved on the newer version of the Office.

PDF to word

But sometimes the PDF document you download need to be edited and also you need to insert some texts into it. So we have prepared a guide on how to edit the texts in the PDF document without the need of any other third party software.

How To Use Microsoft Word 2013 To Edit PDF Files

  1. MS word 2013 comes with a new feature called PDF reflow that allows you to import the text from PDF document into MS Word for editing. You can then save the file back into PDF format. This works best if your PDF contains only texts but if there are graphics then there might be problems. Also depending on the size of the PDF you may have to wait a few seconds till the texts are loaded into Word 2013
  2. Click on file > open and select either your local drive if the PDF file in your computer or your skydrive if its stored online
  3. If PDF file on your computer click on browse and browse to the location of your file and then open it.
  4. A dialogue box will be displayed that shows you warning about the changes your document might face and how much time it will take for the document to be converted. Click on ok and also you can check the box so that you don’t receive the warning message again.
  5. After the document opens in Word you can edit it as you would edit any other document.
  6. After you are done with the editing you can either save it as a Word document or export it to PDF.
  7. To export to PDF click on file tab and select export option to PDF/XPS format
  8. Then save the file by clicking on file tab again and selecting save as button and select the location where you want to save the file. Save the file under a new name to differentiate it from the original file.
  9. The PDF file open it and see the changes you made.


There you have an easy guide that will allow you to edit your PDF document in word 2013 without the need of any third party software.

Do let us know if you have any other way with which you can edit the text in your PDF document.


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