8 GNOME Extension That Will Make Using Ubuntu Very Easy

Ubuntu a very easy to use Linux OS which offers lot of customizing options and so you can customize how the OS behaves. Sometimes you get bored of the same desktop theme that is present so you can install the GNOME theme.

The benefit of installing GNOME in Ubuntu is that you get the option of installing various extensions that can make using GNOME very fun and exciting. So we have prepared a guide for you in which we have mentioned 8 of the best GNOME Extension that will make Ubuntu fun.

Ubuntu GNOME Extension

You can read out previous Post on how to install GNOME extension and after installation is complete you can just visit the GNOME extension website to install the extensions easily without the need for opening the terminal command window.

The support for installing extensions from the website was added to the GNOME 3.2 so if you can install from the website then you need to update your GNOME extension which you can do from the Linux distribution center easily.

The GNOME extensions that you can try are as follows:

1. Application Menu Extension

The application menu extension was available in GNOME 2 at the top bar which lets you easily access all the application in your PC. But this feature is missing from GNOME 3 but you can download it from the extension website and enjoy this feature.

2. Dock Extension

This extension is very useful because it will allow you to free the application dock and put it on your desktop which will allow you to launch new application and switch between them easily right from your desktop.

3. Places Status Indicator

This extension will allow you to add a Places menu to your panel which will allow you to open different folder in GNOME file manager. This will restore the GNOME 2 feature which is very popular among different users.

4. Frippery Bottom Panel

This extension will allow you to add windows like task manager on your desktop which will allow you to minimize the application to it and also windows list picker along with workspace switcher.

5. Alternative Status Menu

This extension will replace the default GNOME status menu with an option that will contain a Power off option. This option is very useful and replaces the boring status menu of GNOME.

6. Media Player Indicator

This extension will allow you to control your media player right from your status bar. This extension is similar to the feature found in the Ubuntu unity desktop and supports Rhythmbox, Banshee, Clementine, and other media players

7. Windows Alt Tab Extension

If you use the Alt tab default action of GNOME is to group all the windows into one single application icon from all the work spaces. But with this extension it will allow you to switch between open windows just as you would on a windows PC.

8. Panel Settings

This extension is very useful if you are using a netbook or a system with small icons because it will allow you to set the top panel into auto hide mode so the open windows can take up full screen allowing you to maximum advantage of your screen size

So there you have some of the extension that will make using GNOME extension much more fun. You can try out different extension that are available from the website and do let us know about it.

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