How To Use Ubuntu Terminal To Install A Program

Linux is a powerful platform that does not have many of the disadvantages associated with windows platform but there are other issues such as most of the software of Linux need to be compiled and are not available as windows applications.

Most of the time to use Ubuntu you need to use the terminal to either carry out specific command or compile a software. Linux is mostly used by programmers to compile a particular program and if you are an aspiring programmer then this is the write kind of article for you.

How to Install Programs in Ubuntu in the Command-Line

We have prepared this guide that will allow you to use the terminal in Linux and also we have included some of the easiest command which will allow you to get used to the terminal quickly.

How To Use Terminal in Ubuntu To Install A Program

  1. To search for a specific software you need to use the following command apt-cache search [search term 1] [search term 2] … [search term n]. Replace the search term with the program you are looking for but don’t use the brackets.
  2. If searching for a specific package results in lot of entries then you can search through the list by using the following command apt-cache search [search terms] | less
  3. To add a software repository that will even allow you to update the software automatically use the following command sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
  4. After you are done adding the repository now you need to update the package list so use the following command sudo apt-get update
  5.  After you have added the repository and got the package you are looking for so to install it use the command sudo apt-get install [package name 1] [package name 2] … [package name n]
  6. This command will make sure to download all the packages with that name and also install the other packages that are needed for it to run.
  7. If you don’t like a particular program and want to remove it then use the following command sudo apt-get remove [package name 1] [package name 2] … [package name n]
  8. If you want to remove the configuration files and other directories associated with it then use the following command sudo apt-get remove –purge [package name 1] [package name 2] … [package name n]
  9. If the packages aren’t getting removed you can use the command sudo apt-get autoremove this will remove the core program and all the associated programs
  10. To upgrade your individual program use the following command sudo apt-get upgrade [package name 1] [package name 2] … [package name n]
  11. If you want to upgrade all the programs that you have installed then use the command sudo apt-get upgrade. This command will tell you about the packages installed and will prompt you whether you want to upgrade or not.
  12. 12.   In certain cases the upgrade command doesn’t work because some programs need some components to be removed while new ones are added. So use the following command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [package name 1] [package name 2] … [package name n]
  13. When you download a program Ubuntu caches that program in case you need to install it in future. So to clear that cache and recover the space use the command sudo apt-get clean
  14. If you want to clear the cache but want to save the latest version of the packages then use the command sudo apt-get autoclean
  15. To see what is installed in your system use the command sudo dpkg –list


There you have an easy guide that will allow you to easily install program in your Ubuntu system.

If you know of any other easier commands then do let us know.

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