Become an iOS Expert with these Tips & Tricks

There is no dearth of people claiming to be experts on using iOS, Apple’s landmark operating system for mobile devices. The clamor of these expert users has only risen following the release of iOS 6 as they explore their devices in a way most normal users do not. However, the tips and tricks explained below will surely power you into the iOS expert’s league.


Bring together Siri and Google Maps

The sub-title might sound incredulous but it is actually possible. Siri, as many of you might know, can be used to help find addresses by adding at the end two words. For example, ‘direct me to Los Angeles Airport via transit’. This command would prompt iOS to launch the Maps application and show you the routing window, which enables you to choose any third party program you like.


This is where you can select Google’s Maps app as it is offered as a choice in that routing window. Once done with the selection, you can sit back and relax as Google Maps and Siri work together to help direct you to any destination of your choice.

Use Siri for Your Social Media Activity

Siri can also be used in conjunction with operating, or more specifically posting, through social networking websites like Twitter and Facebook. You can simply say, ‘Post on Facebook I fancy watching my girlfriend dancing to Beyoncé’. Another example can be, ‘Post to my Wall I like Apple’.



Things are not very different when it comes to operating Twitter with Siri. Here you can ask the app to ‘Tweet I’m going to a party’ or any other combination that you can come up with. The possibilities are literally endless here.

Get Hold of Your Privacy

While it is normal for most people to allow certain apps/services (like Siri above) access to their personal information, they would also prefer the access to be restricted to other apps according to their preference. This is exactly the type of feature that iOS 6 provides its users with. To access this feature, one needs to start up the ‘Settings’ app, which has a sub-section by the title ‘Privacy’. In this section, you can specify stuff like which apps can access details of your location. You can also restrict certain apps from accessing sensitive personal information like calendars, contacts, photos, reminders and Bluetooth shares.


As for Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking site, you can specify as to which apps can access your login details for the said websites. All the changes can be made by simply tapping on the relevant section and sliding the switch to ‘Off’ for any chosen app. Doing this ensures none of your personal data is anyway accessed without your explicit consent.

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