How To Make/Receive Calls In Nexus 7 Using Google Voice

Before starting this quick tutorial, let’s have a brief sharing of information with regards to the “real background of Nexus 7. This is NOT a smart phone more a tablet PC which can be used to call another user. It is a plain tablet PC which just allows you to browse online and be reachable through social networking sites. However, many people are still hoping that this Nexus 7 can level up, and can be used for incoming and outgoing calls.

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Google Voice Nexus 7

This tutorial will finally help you to make it possible. Actually, this tutorial will allow you to go over this limitation using third party programs and will require you to create multiple accounts. All the involved programs are confirmed to be safe to use. Just make it sure that you will follow the step by step guide to succeed with this on your first try.

  1. First, you should have a rooted Nexus 7 gadget. Although this will definitely void the warranty of the product, this is the only way to bypass its limitations. To continue, look for a VoIP account. Try visiting From there, go to and that site could help you in receiving VoIP call without charges.
  2. Now, go to the Google Play app store and download CsipSimple. After downloading, integrate it with your created Call Centric account. Take note that your username is the contact number you used on your Call Centric account.
  3. Now, on your Google Voice account, add a number. Make sure that you will input the number which ipkall generated for you. This can be accessed on the settings tab. From here, you are now allowed to receive VoIP calls on your Nexus 7. But wait! You should try making calls using Nexus 7 ! Well, just go on with this tutorial.
  4. Visit again the Google Play app store and download Voice+. After downloading, make it run and integrate your Google Voice account with it. Do not forget to download the free ExDialer from Google Play app store as well. This program will allow you to dial a number. It is a virtual phone pad on your Nexus 7.
  5. Now, download FrameworkFlasher-MOD. You can search for this program online. Once downloaded, it will be surely in a zip file. Just use a program which can extract a zip file compatible with Nexus 7. You can try programs such as 7-Zip.
  6. Using a file explorer on your Nexus 7 (preferable File Expert), look for /system/framework. After finding it, you will get into the framework-res.apk. Now, make sure to copy the whole file from there and paste it on the place-framework-res-here folder. This is the file you just extracted.
  7. From the extracted file, look for the RunMe program there. Click on it to re-gather the files you prepared for framework-res.
  8. After that, there will be an APK file just beneath the files-to-edit folder. Just go to framework-res.apk>res>values. From there, click on the bools.xml folder.
  9. Look for the FALSE command. Make sure to change it to TRUE.
  10. Save and close the window and again, open the RunMe application. It will help you recompile the changes you have made.
  11. From there, choose Option number 3 to activate the APK you modified a while ago.
  12. After that, choose Option number 4 as well to load file.
  13. After having the new folder, copy and paste it to the directory of your Nexus 7. After that, just install the zip from the SD card and reboot the system. You should now be able to receive and make calls using Nexus 7.

You should now be able to make and receive calls from your Google Asus Nexus 7. For queries, please visit the official thread at XDA-Developers.

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