How To Create Facebook Promoted Post

Why Promoted Post

Facebook is another largest country of the world and interestingly any one can reach a huge population very easily. Hence this platform is being used as very leveraging media for business. Facebook insider guys are always trying to help business people to reach more customers and most importantly getting more involved with the customer. Now days almost every business has fan pages and every new businesses are trying get on it.

Facebook Promoted Post

I am here to talk about promoted post and why this new system is on Facebook. If you understand the key idea then this promoted post system can bring lot leverage to your business. I will give you a very simple distinction with Facebook Add and promoted post by Two phrases, they are : getting new customers and build relationship with them.

By Facebook add you can get very targeted customers and by promoted post you can get them involved with you regularly. So we have a prepared a guide for you that will help you out.

Steps To Set Up Facebook Promoted Post

Step One:

First step is to fulfill the requirement of Facebook promoted post terms.  They restricted the promoted post feature is only for those fan pages which have minimum of 400 fans on them. If you ask the reason I will say that this is to get your money used perfectly. Even though the real fact is only known to Facebook insider people.

Step Two:

Select the right post.  Here you also have to follow some rules to set post. You wont be able promote post which are older than 3 days. Either you have to write new post or post with less than 3 days old. For promoted post you do not have to go for Add manager center of fan page you can easily create and monitor some basic data like reach and involvement right from the page.

Step Three :

Complete write your post with a photo or something more than only text. Because as much your post is visible the more chance is to get people more involved. On the right corner of the post there is an option for promoted post. Click there and set your cost for the promoted post.

The cost usually depend on the reach you want. Do confuse yourself with other system like PPC or PPA. Its only all about the reach in the news feed of your fans.

It will appear like news feed which is very good but there will be a small label of sponsored will be there on left corner of the post.

Step Four :

Monitoring the promoted post is very important and almost all advertisement needs tuning up with analysis of result. The system is very convenient here. You can easily monitor the result directly from the page and the data are also very simple to understand. On the left corner of the post you can see the reach and click there you will see the percentage with paid reach.

These are all easy four step to get your prospect highly involved with your business.

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