How To Shut Down PC Without Installing Updates

This must have happened to you many times when you are working on your PC or laptop and suddenly you look at the watch and notice that it’s time for you to go some important event. The moment you shut down your PC or laptop the windows starts updating.

At that moment the windows halts shutting down but instead starts updating which takes quite some time and you are still waiting for the windows to shut down. This is quite irritating and a big hassle for you.

Shutdown PC

Microsoft should have given the users an option to install the updates later or even force shut down the windows later so that you can install the updates later. Fortunately there is a way for you to install the updates later.

We have prepared a guide for you that will allow you to install the updates at a later date and also prevent you from waiting for your PC to shut down.

How To Install Updates Later

  1. Save all your work and close the windows that are currently open so that only your desktop remains.
  2. Now Press Alt + F4
  3. A dialog box will open that will present you with a pull down menu
  4. So click on the pull down menu to change it from Install Updates and shut down to simply Shut Down
  5. Once you have selected the option then just click ok to close the dialog box.
  6. Now every time you shut down your windows will shut down immediately and you don’t have to wait anymore for the updates to finish.

Instead of just pressing the shutdown button on your start menu you should press Alt + F4 to access the shut down and shut down your PC. Granted its one mouse click more but at least you won’t be waiting for the windows to finish updating and then shutting down.

We hope the guide has been helpful to you and do let us know if there any other ways with which we can shut down PC without having to install updates at the shut down time.

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