How To Install And Use GNOME Shell In Ubuntu

If you are tired of the same look of the Ubuntu and want to try some different slick new Linux desktop environment then give GNOME shell a try. It is the most flexible desktop option for Linux as it allows you to customize and add different features that might be missing from your installation.

Ubuntu GNOME Shell

GNOME shell is the default interface which is available in GNOME 3. We have prepared a guide for you that will allow you to install GNOME shell interface in your linux and enjoy the different features it has to offer.

How To Install GNOME Shell

  1. Visit the Ubuntu software center to install the latest version of the GNOME Shell
  2. OR you can also install the GNOME shell from the terminal window by using the following command sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
  3. After installation is complete now log out of your desktop and then from login screen press the little button next to your username
  4. Select GNOME option in the menu and log in with your password

How To Use GNOME Shell

  1. After you have logged in you will notice that GNOME shell desktop includes very minimal interface with only the top bar visible.
  2. Click the activities button on the top bar or just tap the windows key on your keyboard to access the activity corner
  3. The applications bar that appears you can use it to search for various application that you have installed
  4. In the windows tab you can view the open windows
  5. You can drag and drop windows to move around workspaces and also switch between workspaces with Ctrl-Alt-Up/Down keyboard shortcuts, or use Shift-Ctrl-Alt-Up/Down keyboard shortcuts to move the current window between workspace

How To Install GNOME Extensions

  1. GNOME interface can be customized to your liking with the help of various extensions which can be obtained from GNOME shell extensions website
  2. You can download the applications menu extension which will allow you to add a GNOME 2 style applications menu to the top bar
  3. You can try out different extension and keep the one to your choosing.


So there you have an easy guide which will allow you to install GNOME shell on your Ubuntu and enjoy the different customization options that breathes new life to how you use your Ubuntu.

Do let us know if there any other easy way with which you can customize your Ubuntu desktop.

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  1. Robiłem jak w poradniku i wielu innych nie działa, w terminalu jak wpisze ~$ gnome-shell –replace
    to wyskakuje mi takie coś
    Xlib: extension “GLX” missing on display “:0.0”.
    Naruszenie ochrony pamięci (core dumped)

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