4 Ways Which Will Allow You To Rename Files In Batch

You must have copied lot of files in your documents folder and they are numbered which can become confusing. You want to rename them according to the name of the folder they are in. But renaming many files one by one is very annoying and frustrating.

Rename Files In Batch

So to relieve you we have prepared a guide in which we have outlined 4 different ways with which you can batch rename files quickly and easily. Read on to find out the most suitable method for you.

1. Windows Explorer

Windows explorer has a built in way for easily renaming multiple files together at once. To use windows explorer for renaming:

  • Place the files you want to rename in one folder
  • Now select all the files with Ctrl + A
  • Rename the first file and press enter
  • All the files will be renamed instantaneously with a number to each file name.

2. Using Command Prompt For Renaming

You can use the DOS command prompt to rename the files in a folder. This process will allow you some flexibility as compared to the previous method. To use command prompt for renaming the files do the following:

  • To open command prompt at your current location hold shift + right click in the folder and select open command window here
  • If you use the commands ren *.html *.txt it will rename all the html files in the folder to .txt files
  • You can modify the command appropriately to rename the files easily

3. Using PowerShell

If you want more flexibility in renaming files in batch then powershell is the best bet. You can rename files and also rename the directories with powershell. To get started:

  • Open your start menu and type powershell in the search box and press enter.
  • After you have launched powershell you need to use the Cd command to enter the directory which contains the files you want to rename
  • For example you want to add an underscore in your file name instead of spaces so use the following command list Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $_.name –replace “ “,”_” }
  • You can modify the ”_” to insert other characters

4. Third Party Apps

If you are looking for much easier ways for renaming many files at once without having to deal with command lines then you need to download a third party utility app called Bulk Rename utility

  • After you have installed the app you will be presented with an interface that has lots of options for renaming the files.
  • You can modify the options and see the changes on your file made instantly.
  • You can tweak further setting and save the changes when they are according to your liking

So there you have some of the methods with which you can easily rename batch files easily and quickly.

Do let us know if you come across some other tips or guide with which you can easily rename multiple files with or without using command prompt.

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