5 Tools To Schedule Tweets

With Twitter, we get connected to a large group of people, maybe it be staff, fan following, colleagues, schoolmates etc. For professional work or personal work, we always want our messages to be delivered a to a mass regularly. But time is always not the same. Sometimes we have plenty of it and sometimes we may have not any.

It’s not possible to set an alarm clock to tell us daily to use twitter. So it would be really great if we can schedule tweets to be automatically posted when we don’t have that much time or when we are going on vacation.

The tools which can schedule tweets for us can be really helpful to stay in contact with the mass even when you are not using Twitter or when you are away from Twitter on a vacation. It helps you and your organization to grow effectively on Twitter. So here are 5 tools to schedule tweets.

a) Buffer: It’s the most popular and widely used tool to schedule messages on social networks. It is a very interesting, both from a personal perspective as a professional and with which we can schedule publications on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Buffer App

Buffer provides its service in two forms, free (up to a maximum of 10 schedule publications and a panel with limited results) and paid version (up to 50 schedule publications and management of 6 accounts).

The service is available as an extension for Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Its also available as an app for iPhone and Android. Not only this, Buffer can also be integrated with all major news reader applications.

Furthermore, Buffer supports multiuser and can be used by a team and therefore a pool of configured profiles can be handled by two users (in the paid version).


b) TweetDeck: It’s an applications that brings more flexibility and insight to users. It is one of the most popular desktop tool, available for both Windows and Mac. The tool is also available as web version and extension for Chrome and Safari.


With this tool you can manage multiple accounts (including Facebook pages and Twitter accounts). This service is owned by Twitter.


c) HootSuite: It’s a widespread tool and comes in two versions, free (somewhat limited in features) and paid. In both the versions we can manage multiple accounts profiles (limited to 5 accounts in free version), track brand mentions, track clicks on links, analyze social media traffic  and a url shortener.

Managing multiple accounts with HootSuite is really easy. You just need to set a message and time parameters, and HootSuite will do the rest.


In this case, the panel is more statistical and subject to charges, i.e. the basic version provides highly summarized information and limits flexibility and detail reports can be generated in paid version only.


d) Tweet4me: It is a curious program for scheduling Twitter posts without having to enter into another service or use a third party client. With this tool you can schedule messages from the Twitter interface, a mobile client or the third party application.


To set messages, we have to set a number of parameters like Date and Time along with the message to be sent. Every 5 minutes, Tweet4me performs a check of your inbox messages and processes the messages received.

There’s one problem or better say a minus point with this tool. As twitter messages have character limitations, Tweet4me will use up a few character space to set the scheduling parameters, hence, you may not be able to complete your message in due characters.


e) Timely: It’s another popular service with which we can schedule messages on both Twitter and Facebook and get information on the impact of the messages like retweets received, likes received etc.


While the majority of applications allows scheduling messages only, Timely automatically adjusts schedules according to a proprietary algorithm that seeks to maximize the impact of the message, i.e., greater probability of being read.


 The above said tools are my favorite tools to schedule tweets. If you have any personal favorite, then let us know.

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