Lucky Salt Lake. Getting Super Computing Tested With 800Gbps Bandwidth

There will be more gigabits flying around you, definitely, at least for a week, if you are in Salt Lake City. Yes, a dream network is coming up there, to be precise it is coming up at the Salt Palace Convention Center.

Cadre of volunteers have gathered in Utah from top government labs, universities and industry at this year’s SC2012 Super Computing conference. The conference has just started, today, and it is learned 10 gigabit per second (Gbps) and 100Gbps circuits will be tested there.

How they will do? Good question. Rather a million dollar question at this point. Further it has been learned from press releases and few published news on some tech websites that SCinet has been teamed up with Utah Education Network and also with the University of Utah to get the access to miles of fiber optic cable into the Salt Palace and also in the metro area of the Salt Lake.

A recent press release from the conference revealed the wireless network made up for the conference will also be used by SCinet for some particular purpose. The massive pipe built will be used for the SCinet Research Sandbox (SRS) and it will be providing a unique opportunity for the researchers there in showcasing disruptive network research by making use of the emerging technologies such as that of 100Gbps circuits and also the OpenFlow technology.

Ah! Altogether, as learned, the SCinet will be able to deliver in total a capacity of 800Gbps for the said duration when the conference will be going on. After the week the network will be deconstructed.

Let’s hope the major bandwidth is just temporarily and researchers come forward in building up a permanent network in Salt Lake and other areas that can offer super-super high-speed Internet.

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