Samsung Mocks iPhone 5 Early Adopters In Commercial

Samsung seems to find a bit of more interest in attacking iPhone 5 with its ads. After a recent print ad claiming its Galaxy S3 is better than the Apple’s iPhone 5, the mobile maker has come up with another ad. It has gone on the offensive on early adopters of the the iPhone 5.

The new commercial mocks those fans of Apple who are waiting for the newly unveiled iPhone 5 in front of Apple stores. Here’s the video of the commercial ad:

Apple debuted its iPhone 5 on September 12, just a week ago, and on September 21 it is releasing the phone in the U.S. on Sprint, AT&T and Verizon carriers.

The turnaround time of the Samsung ad is impressive – after the unveiling and just ahead of the release of iPhone 5.

The ad also mocks the new dock connector of the iPhone 5, its larger screen and also the LTE technology saying it is an old news as Galaxy S3 got it before Apple implements.

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